Universiteit Leiden

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Erasmus+ for Training

For Leiden University staff members, who want to undertake training at a European partner university or another relevant organisation.

One month before the start date of your Erasmus+ period
Target group
PhD, Staff
Countries/ nationalities
Your training can take place in any of the Erasmus+ programme countries, which include the EU member states, as well as Serbia, Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey. Be aware that your Erasmus+ period cannot take place in your country of residence or the Netherlands.
Scholarship type
Staff training
Archaeology, Humanities, Medicine/LUMC, Governance and Global Affairs, Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Science, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON), African Studies Centre, International Institute for Asian Studies

Trainings starting June 2025 or later: applications not yet open

Will your training start on or after 1 June 2025? It is not yet possible to apply for an Erasmus+ grant. This is because Leiden University is awaiting budgetary information on the next round of grants from the European Commission.  

We expect to receive the required information and open applications at the end of April 2025. Please monitor this website for updates. 

For who

Leiden University teaching and support staff, including PhD candidates with a Leiden University employment contract.

Eligibility requirements

  • You must be employed by Leiden University.
  • Your training must have a minimum duration of two days and a maximum duration of sixty days, excluding travel. Please be aware that the grant will only be awarded for a maximum of 14 days.
  • The receiving organisation must be a higher education institution with an Erasmus+ status, or a public/private organisation active in the labour market or in the field of education, training or youth.
  • The Erasmus+ training grant cannot be used to cover costs that are already financed by other European Union funds, for example through research and innovation grants.
  • Your training can take the form of a (language) training course, job-shadowing, an observation period or a short course.
  • Conferences are not eligible for an Erasmus+ for Training grant.


  • You must complete an online participant report after your Erasmus+ period.
  • You must submit all required documents on time both before, during and after your Erasmus+ period. Leiden University has the right to withhold, cancel or revoke (in whole or in part) the awarded grant, if you fail to do so.

Scholarship amount

Important note
Due to limited funds available in the academic year 2024-2025:

  • Erasmus+ grants will be awarded for a maximum of 14 days and on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Priority will be given to staff members who have not yet received an Erasmus+ grant in the current Erasmus+ project cycle. 
  • We cannot guarantee that all applicants who meet the eligibility criteria will be awarded a grant.

The Erasmus+ grant for training is composed of a daily allowance and a travel allowance. The grant is intended as a contribution towards additional expenses arising from the training, and is not meant to cover the total cost of your stay abroad.

Daily allowance

The amount is based on the duration of the training (with a maximum of 14 days) and the country in which the receiving organisation is located. Erasmus+ countries are divided into three groups in terms of the amount of funds awarded:

Group 1 - € 120 per day
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden. 

Group 2 - € 110 per day
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.

Group 3 - € 100 per day
Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia,  Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Türkiye.

Travel allowance

The amount of the travel allowance is based on the distance from Leiden University to the receiving organisation, according to the European Commission’s distance calculator. Travel allowance is only granted for distances greater than 10km.

If you use environmentally friendly, sustainable means of transport for your journey to and from your host country, you may be entitled to a 'Green travel allowance'. By sustainable is meant travel by train, bus or carpooling. More information on sustainable travel options can be found here.

Travel distance Travel allowance Green travel allowance
0 - 9 km € 0 n/a
10 - 99 km € 28 € 56
100 - 499 km € 211 € 285
500 - 1.999 km € 309 € 417
2.000 - 2.999 km € 395 € 535
3.000 - 3.999 km € 580 € 785
4.000 - 7.999 km € 1188 € 1188
8.000 km or more € 1735 € 1735
Payment of the grant

The grant will be paid to your faculty/institution/department after you have completed your Erasmus+ training and have submitted all the required documents on time.

Application process

  1. Fill out the Mobility Agreement for Training.
  2. Sign the Mobility Agreement and ask the relevant persons at your faculty, institute or department at both Leiden University and the receiving organisation to do the same.
  3. Make a scanned copy of the Mobility Agreement (in one PDF file).
  4. Fill out the online application form and attach the Mobility Agreement.
  5. First save the online application form, then submit it online.
  6. Sign the application form and ask the relevant budget holder at your faculty, institute or department to complete the last section (declaration budget holder).
  7. Send a copy (in one PDF file) of the signed application form to outbound@sea.leidenuniv.nl at least one month before the start of your Erasmus+ period.
  8. If you are awarded an Erasmus+ grant, you will receive a provisional decision letter and the grant agreement via email before the start of your Erasmus+ period. Read the grant agreement carefully and sign it.
  9. Return a scanned copy (in one PDF file) of the signed grant agreement to outbound@sea.leidenuniv.nl at least two weeks before the start of your Erasmus+ period.

Important: Make sure to download the Erasmus+ checklist of all procedures to be taken care of before, during and after your stay abroad.

Additional financial support for staff with a disability and/or special needs

If you have a disability and/or special needs and you are eligible for an Erasmus+ staff mobility grant, Leiden University can apply for additional financial support from the Erasmus+ programme on your behalf.

Read more detailed information about the application procedure and eligibility requirements, and download a financial support agreement form for students and staff with disabilities.  


Erasmus+ is the EU programme for education, training, sport and youth. It enables staff from higher education institutions, such as Leiden University, to follow training at partner universities and other relevant organisations in order to improve their skills and competencies and to support their professional development.

Disclaimer Leiden University

The Scholarships Team of Leiden University is responsible for the administration of the Erasmus+ programme for outgoing staff members. It is, however, at all times the responsibility of the staff member to ensure that all the required documents are complete, signed and submitted within the timelines given. If you do not submit the required documents on time, no claim can be made on the Erasmus+ grant.

Disclaimer European Commission

Erasmus+ for staff mobility is funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (webpage) reflects the views only of the author. The European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained on this webpage.


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