Research project
How do I age? Photo-voice project in The Hague
Research into the wishes and (care) needs of older migrants
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MSc Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology - Research opportunity
Project description:
The project 'How do I age ?' is a participation project that will gain insight into the wishes and (care) needs of older migrants through photography and storytelling. It's an initiative by Karijn Kakebeeke and Karine Versluis. The project is being run by the Picture Bridge Foundation in collaboration with the Nutshuis Den Haag and De Schildershoek multicultural nursing home.
The main question of the project is: "How can healthcare providers take into account people with different cultural backgrounds in their care-package offer?" To answer this question, we want to understand the wishes and (care) needs of older migrants. But we also want to learn about how their children look at the needs for care for their parents. How do they see their own care obligation "and how do they look at (the use of) the care services? We aim to conduct research by inter alia using two visual research methods from social sciences: the photo elicitation and photovoice- methods.
The project will be completed with an exhibition and public program in the Nutshuis in The Hague in February 2017. Https://
We are looking for:
An enthusiastic student who works well independently, shows initiative, is curious, is interested in the lives of (older) migrants and likes to deal with. We prefer a Dutch speaking student. The outcome of his/her involvement can be a documentary, a website and/or contribution to the exhibition. These ideas need to be negotiated, depending on the ideas and wishes of both the research-team as the student.
Mid-September - December 2017: research period (part-time)
January - February 2018: preparation exhibition
Location: mainly The Hague