Research project
SOPs4RI – Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity
The aim of the Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity (SOPs4RI) project was to promote excellent research and a strong research integrity culture that aligns with the principles and norms of the ‘European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity’, and to counter research misconduct. The overall objective of SOPs4RI was to create a toolbox which fosters research integrity and prevents, detects, and handles research misconduct for European research performing organizations (RPOs) and research funding organizations (RFOs). The project involved a mixed-methods, co-creative approach to the development and empirical validation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and guidelines that will make it possible for RPOs and RFOs to create and implement Research Integrity Promotion Plans.
- Duration
- 2019 - 2022
- Contact
- Thed van Leeuwen
- Partners
Aarhus University, Stichting VUMC, University of Split – School of Medicine, University of Essex, Österreichische Agentur für Wissenschaftliche Integrität, National Technical University of Athens, The Health Research Board, KU Leuven, London School of Economics and Political Science, European Assocation of Research Managers and Administratros, University of Trento, University of Warsaw

The CWTS team participated in the following deliverables and papers:
Horbach S.P.J.M., Bouter L.M., Gaskell G., Hiney M., Kavouras P., Mejlgaard N., Allum N., Aubert B.N., Bendtsen A.K., Charitidis C.A., Claesen N., Dierickx K., Domaradzka A., Föger N., Kaltenbrunner W., Konach T., Labib K., Marušić A., Pizzolato D., Ravn T., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Roje R., Sørensen M.P., Taraj B., Veltri G.A. & Tijdink J.K. (2022), Designing and implementing a research integrity promotion plan: Recommendations for research funders, PLoS Biology 20(8): e3001773.
Roje R., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Kaltenbrunner W., Buljan I. & Marušić A. (2022), Factors influencing the promotion and implementation of research integrity in research performing and research funding organizations: a scoping review, Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance.
Labib K., Evans N., Roje R., Kavouras P., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Kaltenbrunner W., Buljan I., Ravn T., Widdershoven G., Bouter L., Charitidis C., Sørensen M.P. & Tijdink J. (2022), Education and training policies for research integrity: insights from a focus group study, Science and Public Policy 49(2): 246–266 (scab077).
Sørensen M.P., Ravn T. Marušić A. Reyes Elizondo A.E., Kavouras P., Tijdink J.K. & Bendtsen A.K. (2021), Strengthening research integrity: which topic areas should organisations focus on?, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8: 1-15.
Mejlgaard N., Bouter L.M., Gaskell G., Kavouras P., Allum N., Bendtsen A.K., Charitidis C.A., Claesen N., Dierickx K., Domaradzka A., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Foeger N., Hiney M., Kaltenbrunner W., Labib K., Marušić A., Sørensen M.P., Ravn T., Ščepanović R., Tijdink J.K. & Veltri G.A. (2020), Research integrity: nine ways to move from talk to walk, Nature 586: 358-360.
Sørensen M.P., Ravn T., Bendtsen A.K., Reyes-Elizondo A.E., Kaltenbrunner W., Ščepanović R., Marušić A., Kavouras P., Labib K., Tijdink J.K., Veltri G.A. & Bergmans J.E. (2020), Report on the Results of the Focus Group Interviews: D 5.2 of 'Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity' (SOPs4RI) (. CWTS, Social Sciences, Leiden University). Aarhus, Denmark: SOPs4RI Consortium, Aarhus University.
Gaskell G., Ščepanović R., Buljan I., Utrobičić A., Marušić A., Reyes Elizondo A.E., Kaltenbrunner W., Labib K., Tijdink J.K. (2019), D3.2: Scoping reviews including multi-level model of research cultures and research conduct (SOPs4RI) (.CWTS, Social Sciences, Leiden University). Split, Croatia: SOPs4RI Consortium, University of Split School of Medicine.