Research project
Mapping health and well-being research
Exploring the landscapes of mental health and cardiometabolic research.
- Duration
- 2020 - 2022
- Contact
- Ismael Rafols Garcia
- Partners
Vinnova (Swedish Innovation Agency)
This project is a collaboration between Vinnova, the Swedish Innovation Agency, and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University.
It aims at mapping, in a broad and inclusive way, research on two health topics: mental health and cardiometabolic conditions (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity). To do so, we have developed novel combinations of qualitative and quantitative data sources. This has included interviews to relevant experts, focus groups and bibliometric analyses.
The purpose for developing this more inclusive understanding is to go beyond the conventional clinical or biomedical framings of health (and health research) and to take as well into account social, political, economic, among other factors. Thus, this study aims at mapping a variety of forms of knowledge ranging from medical, sociological, environmental, biological, preventative and health promotive, among others. The ultimate goal is to develop methodologies that provide information that is useful for funding agencies in reflecting on priority setting for research and innovation.
The project has thus:
- explored the views of stakeholders on research priorities, i.e. their views of efforts on balance between research areas, and how and why should future investments depart from current activities
- characterized the map of the two specific health research areas across relevant analytical categories such as clinical, prevention, rehabilitation, social determinants
- described research activities across countries, funders and organisations active in mental health
The findings are now available in:
- Mental Health Policy Brief (also in Catalan)
- Blog post (also in Catalan and Spanish)
- Journal article:
van de Klippe, W., Yegros-Yegros, A., Willemse, T., & Rafols, I. (2023). Priorities in research portfolios: exploring the need for upstream research in cardiometabolic and mental health. Science and Public Policy, Volume 50, Issue 6, December 2023, Pages 961–976,
- Mental health mapping report
- Cardiometabolic diseases mapping report
Presentation at the ‘Research on Research Institute (RoRI) Seminar’.
We have also made available interactive websites that allow the exploration of data for many countries, and dozens of organisations and funders, including comparative visualisations of disciplinary profiles and topic portfolios over research landscapes.
- Interactive visualization for mental health research
- Interactive visualization for cardiometabolic research
Please do not hesitate to contact us for question or access to more detailed analysis, of for providing feedback.