Research project
INFLANET - Training European Experts in Inflammation: from the molecular players to animal models and the bedside
How is inflammation in tuberculosis controlled by interplay between autophagy and inflammasome signalling?
- Duration
- 2021 - 2024
- Contact
- Annemarie Meijer
- Funding
- European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
- Marie Skłodowska Curie grant agreement No 955576
INFLANET is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Training Network that addresses the challenges of alleviating the societal burden of inflammation, not only for acute inflammatory disease, but also for multiple chronic diseases where inflammation is a major contributing factor. The network includes 21 European partners from the academia and from the private sector that will join forces to provide an interdisciplinary research and training program for PhD students.
The IBL’s contribution to INFLANET is focused on the role of inflammation in tuberculosis, a bacterial infectious disease that constitutes a worldwide health threat. In the context of infection, two highly interactive cellular pathways are crucial for the regulation of the inflammatory response. The first is autophagy, our cellular housekeeping and recycling system. The second involves the activation of multi-protein complexes called inflammasomes, responsible for amplifying inflammation upon danger signals. The overall aim of our research is to study how autophagy and inflammasomes cross-regulate each other’s activities using human macrophage and zebrafish tuberculosis models. Ultimately, we expect this research to identify new strategies for anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory therapies.