Universiteit Leiden

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Research project

Home Ecologics – Dutch multispecies homes

How do humans, non-humans and their interactions and relations shape the home as ecological and social space?

2024 - 2034
Tuomas Aivelo
Sectorplan funding
Cats are common predators in the Dutch urban areas, catching both wildlife and pests. Credit: Tuomas Aivelo

A substantial part of biodiversity is situated within private spheres of homes and this is also the biodiversity that most intimately affects humans: for example, backyard meadows can be essential for the survival of many insects in urban spaces, whereas insects in the kitchen are commonly considered as unwanted guests. Whereas urban ecology or urban planning usually considers larger spatial scales such as cities or neighborhoods, this project looks human and non-human relations in the institutional context and ecological scale of individual homes.

This project considers multispecies homes in both ecological and social sense, thus the applicant should have a keen interest in both humans and more-than-humans in homes and especially in their relations. Similarly, there is an expectation that this project will map biodiversity within homes and also how it relates to humans and humans relate to it.

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