Research project
MICA – Material Intelligence Capacity Analysis
Can we develop a platform for raw materials intelligence?
- Duration
- 2015 - 2017
- Contact
- Ester van der Voet
- Funding
EU Horizon2020
- Partners
MICA is a project financed by the EU Horizon2020 program. It is led by: GEUS, the Danish Geological Survey.
Main partners are the geological surveys BRGM, BGS, BGR, GTK, GeoZS, EGS and EFG, and the research and higher education institutes CML Leiden University, Fraunhofer Institut, NTNU, UCL, LIG, MinPol, and JRC. The geological surveys of all EU member states are added as third parties.

MICA brings together main databases and surveys related to raw materials, especially metals and minerals. The information includes demand, supply and geological deposits, but also a first attempt will be made to access information on urban mines. In addition, methods and tools will be offered to use this information to answer questions of stakeholders. These questions relate to availability and criticality, but also to future developments, to environmental impacts, and to policies in the area of raw materials. Case studies will be conducted to show how different types of questions can be answered by using these methods and tools. An important part of the project is related to making available all the information on a digital platform.
Downloads and more information
See: MICA project website