Research project
Land rights and access to land survey in Timor-Leste - a tool for evidence-based policy and advocacy
Develop a tool to assess land tenure, access to land and, and land tenure conflict in Timor-Leste
- Duration
- 2016
- Contact
- Bernardo Ribeiro de Almeida
- Funding
- Partners

Addressing past land-related disputes and developing an adequate formal land tenure system have been two main challenges for the development of Timor-Leste. While several factors contribute to these challenges, one crucial factor has been overlooked: the lack of reliable, consistent, and independently collected data about land that can and should inform government policies, civil society advocacy, and donor community interventions. The project developed by the Van Vollenhoven Institute and The Asia Foundation aimed to, through a consultative, participatory process, develop and implement a questionnaire about land tenure, disputes, expectations, and perceptions that could be replicated, and could inform land-related legislation and interventions, and mirroring the results of a cadastral survey at a fraction of the cost and time.
This project made four key contributions to the Timorese land sector: First, it developed a tool through which it is possible, in a cost effective and timely manner, to assess different aspects of land tenure for policymaking. Second, the project raised awareness among politicians, state officials, and members of civil society organizations for the need of basing policymaking and land related advocacy on evidence obtained through scientific research. The third contribution of the project was the creation of a large set of land-related data. Finally, the project was developed in the middle of the debate of a Land Law Package by parliament, providing an important opportunity to influence the legislative process.
As part of the project various reports were published, which are listed below:
- Survey on Access to Land, Tenure Security and Land Conflicts in Timor-Leste, by Bernardo Almeida and Todd Wassel
- Land Policy Brief - Key Findings from the Survey on Access to Land, Tenure Security and Land Conflicts in Timor-Leste, by Bernardo Almeida and Todd Wassel
- Ainaro Infographic
- Dili Infographic
- Ermera Infographic
In Tetun:
- Levantamentu kona-ba Asesu ba Rai, Seguransa Ritularidade Direitu ba Rai no Konflítu Rai iha Timor-Leste, by Bernardo Almeida and Todd Wassel
- Informasun kona-ba polítika rai – Konkluzaun xave hosi levantamentu kona-ba asesu ba rai, seguransa pose no konflitu konaba rai iha Timor-Leste, by Bernardo Almeida and Todd Wassel
- Ainaro Infographic
- Dili Infographic
- Ermera Infographic