Universiteit Leiden

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Research project

Towards a comprehensive understanding of (facilitating) teacher professional development

What are ‘missing links’ in research on teacher professional development trajectories? We focus on the role and development of teacher facilitators in designing and implementing (collaborative) professional development trajectories.

2014 - 2017

This research addresses some ‘missing links’ in the extensive domain of literature on teacher professional development.

Teacher facilitators

Currently we focus on the role and development of teacher facilitators’ knowledge and behavior in how professional development trajectories are created and implemented. We argue that differences in their expertise (development) will result in different learning opportunities for participating teachers.

Observations of meetings with (student) teachers and questionnaires will be administered to map their expertise (development).

Teacher interaction

A second focus of our research concerns a fine grained analysis of teacher interaction during team meetings and what can be learned from that for optimizing teacher collaborative learning.

Observations of team meetings and retrospective interviews are used for this analysis.

Professional agency

A third focus is teacher professional agency. In a consortium together with researchers from the Radboud University and Utrecht University, teacher professional agency is studied in various contexts. At ICLON the project focusses on student teachers in innovative teacher education programmes, such as Eerst de Klas and Onderwijs Traineeship.
Website (in Dutch): www.professioneleruimte.info

Meirink, J.A.,& van Veen, K. (2013). De rol van trainers bij praktijkonderzoek door docenten . Paper gepresenteerd tijdens symposium: Onderzoek door docenten als brug tussen theorie en praktijk in de Onderwijswetenschappen. Onderwijs Research Dagen, Brussel, België.

Driel, J.H. van, Meirink, J.A., Veen, K. van & Zwart, R.C. (2012). Current trends and missing links in studies on teacher professional development in science education: a review of design features and quality of research. Studies in Science Education, 48, 129-160.

Van Veen, K., Zwart, R.C. & Meirink, J.A. (2011). What makes teacher professional development effective? A literature review. In M. Kooy & K. van Veen (Eds.), Teacher learning that matters (pp. 3-21). New York: Routledge.

Sjoer, E. & Meirink, J.A. (2011). Transparancy in storytelling: An analysis of primary school teachers exchanges of their experiences with science and technology education. In M.J. de Vries, H. van Keulen & J. Walma van der Molen (Eds). Professional development for primary teachers in science and technology: The Dutch VTB-Pro project in an international perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

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