PhD project
Effective viewing behavior and viewing strategies: Can we teach language learners to effectively use captions and subtitles?
What is effective viewing behavior for foreign language learners and how can teachers effectively train language learners to apply effective viewing strategies that will maximize their learning when viewing subtitled materials?
- Duration
- 2021 - 2026
- Contact
- Sjoerd Lindenburg
- Funding
- Partners
- S. Lindenburg MA - PhD candidate
- prof.dr. F.J.J.M. Janssen - supervisor
- prof.dr. N.H. de Jong - co-supervisor
- dr. A.G. Dorst - co-supervisor
Research shows that captions and subtitles can be used as a language learning tool, especially outside of the classroom, if one knows how to utilize them effectively. This study aims to describe how people utilize audio-visual materials, what effective viewing behavior for foreign language learners is, and how to maximize the learning effects of watching of audiovisual material outside the classroom.
Research questions
- What is the viewing behavior of native Dutch learners of foreign languages regarding subtitled materials and which viewing strategies do they apply when viewing such materials?
- Which viewing strategy is most effective in which situation and what are the effects of the respective viewing strategies on vocabulary learning and listening comprehension?
- How can teachers effectively train language learners to apply effective viewing strategies that will maximize their learning when viewing subtitled materials?
- To what extent can language learners take their learning process into their own hands after having been trained in using these viewing strategies?
Social and scientific relevance
Our understanding of how native Dutch learners of foreign languages view subtitles can help fill the current gap in subtitling research. Mapping effective viewing behavior and viewing strategies for language learning – which may differ per genre, situational context and individual – will allow for a model on viewing strategies to be constructed, similar to the model that exists for static texts. Such a model can also be used as a basis for further research on foreign language learning in the Netherlands. Foreign language instructors can also benefit from such a model and its didactic uses to incorporate audiovisual material into their language classrooms. Such an incorporation could allow for much meaningful and relevant input in a foreign language and students who are motivated to improve their language proficiency through a medium they find enjoyable.
This study aims to describe how people utilize audio-visual materials, what effective viewing behavior for foreign language learners is, and how to maximize the learning effects of watching of audiovisual material outside the classroom.
Material and methods
The study will be conducted as part of Leiden University’s ICLON and LUCL as well as the secondary school Alberdingk Thijm College. The various studies will involve teachers, secondary school students, and university students, and use a mixed-method approach including stimulated recall and eye-tracking.
Firstly, three studies will be conducted on
- the viewing behavior of university students;
- the viewing behavior of secondary school students;
- the use of a tool (Language Reactor) that might enhance viewing behavior.
The findings in these studies will then be combined and tested in an education design intervention.