PhD project
Prolegomena for a Jewish Musicologica
Can we really speak about Jewish musicological, musical thought and what is the essence of this thought?

In this research Jochanan shall give attention to the term musicologica in general and specifically what there is to say about a Jewish musicologica. Main question: can we really speak about Jewish musicological, musical thought and what is the essence of this thought? Jochanan has to approach the thinking in the past and the presence looking what Jewish musicians, thinkers, rabbis but also the regular Jewish people for example congregations of synagogues have to say about their music culture. Watersheds in thinking are periods of turmoil in Jewish History. He mentions the Babylonian exile, the expulsion from Spain and Portugal, but not at least the Shoah and it's devastating effect on Judaism. Materials to study are literature, scores, recordings, archeology, architecture. But also because te Jewish tradition is mainly an oral tradition it is important to interview people and also to look at what is said by Jews about their tradition and music in the past and the present. Interesting is to see if there is a shift in thinking, a change between the older generations and the younger and what the effects are of globalisation on the thinking of Jews about their culture and music. An interesting approach is also to look at possible differences and or similarities in thinking about culture and its music in other diaspora societies.
- Prof.dr. H.A. Borgdorff
- Dr. W. van der Meer