Research project
Nietzsche Dictionary Project
The Nietzsche-Wörterbuch (NWB) has evolved into a long-term, multi-volume work on a global scale with around 30 contributors from a range of disciplines located all over the world
- Duration
- 1998
- Contact
- Herman Siemens

In September 1998 a project was launched at the Radboud University Nijmegen to write a dictionary for the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche. In the course of the work it soon became clear that our ambition to produce an in-depth and wide-ranging reference work far exceeded the original plans for a four-year project. The Nietzsche-Wörterbuch (NWB) has evolved into a long-term, multi-volume work on a global scale with around 30 contributors from a range of disciplines located all over the world. At present the project is based at Leiden University and is co-directed and co-edited by Prof. Paul van Tongeren (Radboud Nijmegen), Dr. Herman Siemens (Leiden), and Professor Marco Brusotti (Salerno / TU Berlin). Herman Siemens, former President of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society, is Head of the Leiden-based Nietzsche Research Group and runs the monthly Nietzsche Research Seminar together with Dr. Frank Chouraqui (Leiden).
The NWB will elucidate in detail some 500 terms from Nietzsche's vocabulary. The first volume, published in 2004, presents 67 of them. Articles can be anything from 4 pages to 100 pages long, depending on the complexity of the word. Each article includes information on the frequency of the word, the word-forms, composites and synonyms; a breakdown of the different meanings, meaning-variants and uses of the word, together with citations and references; the historical, linguistic and philosophical localisation of Nietzsche's use of the word, as well as a discussion of Nietzsche-research and -reception with a bearing on the word.[1]
[1] For a detailed breakdown of the articles, see Siemens, H.W., 2011: ‘Das Nietzsche-Woerterbuch Projekt: Darstellung des Konzepts und einiger Resultate am Beispiel des Wortes, in: 'Groesse'’, Nietzsche - Macht – Größe Nietzsche - Philosoph der Größe der Macht oder der Macht der Größe, Ed. Caysa, Volker / Schwarzwald, Konstanze, De Gruyter .
Nietzsche portal
In 2011, the NWB went online as the centrepiece the Nietzsche portal hosted by de Gruyter. This has made it possible to publish NWB articles regardless of alphabetical order and to update them. The search- and cross-referencing functions make use of the full range of de Gruyter Nietzsche-research available online through electronic linking facilities.