Research project
Research Experiments on Designing Objects with ‘Artistic’ Messages

D-SIGN-LAB is a creative strategy that uses the mentioned name to be ‘empowered’ under the umbrella of experimentation and the different critical positions that could coexist under it. D- SIGN-LAB is conformed by Danne Ojeda and her various collaborators during specific projects. It carries out research experiments as case studies in which there is a focus on printing matters and installations. In so doing, there is a reinterpretation of print and the medium book in relation to different artistic and design époques.
In this context, D-SIGN-LAB pays attention to: 1) A methodological research about conceptual artistic orientations and artists that have examined the meaning of objects and words; 2) A critical evaluation on how historical discourses about art have influenced the production of certain design artefacts during the beginning of the 20th century; and 3) The inquiry concerning the role of the artefact and the different kinds of knowledge they provide in art and design postgraduate research.