Research project
Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten (BL)
Anybody can imagine how difficult it is to read a 2000 years old text for the first time. It is almost inevitable that at first mistakes are made in deciphering and interpretation. This is why revision and correction of published texts play an important role within Papyrology.
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- Cisca Hoogendijk

But how can anybody know that e.g. in some journal article a new reading or supplement or date has been proposed for the text he is studying, or that a new fragment of the text was found and perhaps the whole republished under a new name?
The Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten (BL) offers an overview of all corrections (Berichtigungen) proposed for published Greek papyri and is as such one of the indispensable tools, not only for papyrologists but also for students of ancient history, ancient law, ancient religion, and others who use papyrus documents for their research.
In 1911 Fr. Preisigke made a start with collecting corrections and supplements with the aim to sort them by text and publish them as a list of corrections, Berichtigungsliste, for Greek papyrology. In 1913 (fasc. I-II) and 1922 (fasc. III-IV) volume 1 of the Berichtigungsliste was published. After the death of Preisigke his work was continued by Fr. Bilabel, who published BL II in 1929-1933. Then the work on the BL came to a stand-still, until in 1952, during the 7th International Congress of Papyrology at Geneva, the Leiden Papyrological Institute took the responsibility to revive and continue the Berichtigungsliste, under the auspices of the Association Internationale de Papyrologues (Bruxelles). Thus, since 1952 (volume III) the Berichtigungsliste has been compiled at the Papyrological Institute of the University of Leiden, in collaboration with, first, the former Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Papyrusforschung of the Universität Marburg, and since 2009 with the Papyrologisch Institut of the Universität Heidelberg, for reading the literature published in German-speaking countries.
The aim of the Berichtigungsliste is to collect from the published papyrological literature all the corrections that have been proposed for the readings and interpretations of Greek documentary texts, to check them if necessary on photographs of the papyri c.q. ostraca, and to present them in a clear and critical manner.
By now thirteen volumes of Berichtigungen have appeared (1922-2017), as well as the Konkordanz und Supplement zu Berichtigungsliste Band I-VII (1989) and the Konkordanz zu Berichtigungsliste Band VIII-XI (2007). [The CD-Rom (2007 [2009]) with the complete contents, digitalized and searchable of BL I - XI cannot be used anymore on modern computer systems.]
A closer cooperation with the international projects Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri, Heidelberger Gesamt Verzeichnis and Trismegistos means that in the near future, the Berichtigungen will be published online, although a print version of the BL (in PDF-format) will still be published on a regular basis.
The Berichtigungsliste is being compiled at the Papyrologisch Instituut at Leiden by Dr. F.A.J. Hoogendijk and at the Institut für Papyrologie at Heidelberg by Dr. J. Cowey.
The BL-project and related activities have in the past been financially supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Kiessling-Stiftung, the Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), the Leiden University Fund (LUF) en Brill´s Publishers.
List of published Berichtigungslisten
Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten,
I. Band, herausgegeben von Friedrich Preisigke. Strassburg-Berlin-Leipzig, 1913-1922.
II. Band, herausgegeben von Friedrich Bilabel. Im Selbstverlag, 1929-1933.
III. Band, herausgegeben von M. David, B.A. van Groningen und E. Kiessling. Brill, Leiden, 1956-1958.
IV. Band, herausgegeben von M. David, B.A. van Groningen und E. Kiessling. Brill, Leiden, 1964.
V. Band, herausgegeben von E. Boswinkel, M. David, B.A. van Groningen und E. Kiessling. Brill, Leiden, 1969.
VI. Band, herausgegeben von E. Boswinkel, P. W. Pestman und H.-A. Rupprecht. Brill, Leiden, 1976.
VII. Band, herausgegeben von E. Boswinkel, W. Clarysse, P. W. Pestman und H.-A. Rupprecht. Brill, Leiden, 1986.
VIII. Band, herausgegeben von P. W. Pestman und H.-A. Rupprecht, zusammengestellt von F.A.J. Hoogendijk. Brill, Leiden - New York - Köln, 1992.
IX. Band, herausgegeben von P. W. Pestman und H.-A. Rupprecht, zusammengestellt von F.A.J. Hoogendijk unter Mitarbeit von N. Kruit und A.M.F.W. Verhoogt. Brill, Leiden - New York - Köln, 1995.
X. Band, herausgegeben von P. W. Pestman und H.-A. Rupprecht, zusammengestellt von A.M.F.W. Verhoogt, F.A.J. Hoogendijk und N. Kruit. Brill, Leiden - Boston - Köln, 1998.
XI. Band, herausgegeben von H.-A. Rupprecht und A.M.F.W. Verhoogt, zusammengestellt von N. Kruit, unter Mitarbeit von J. Hengstl und L.E. Tacoma. Brill, Leiden - Boston, 2002.
XII. Band, herausgegeben von H.-A. Rupprecht und K.A. Worp, zusammengestellt von F.A.J. Hoogendijk, unter mitarbeit von M.J. Bakker und J. Hengstl. Brill, Leiden - Boston, 2009.
XIII. Band, herausgegeben von F.A.J. Hoogendijk und A. Jördens, zusammengestellt von J.M.S. Cowey und F.A.J. Hoogendijk, Brill, Leiden etc., 2017. Download PDF.
Konkordanz und Supplement zu Band I-VII, zusammengestellt von W. Clarysse, R.W. Daniel, F.A.J. Hoogendijk und P. van Minnen. Peeters, Leuven, 1989.
Konkordanz zu Band VIII-XI, zusammengestellt von M.J. Bakker, A.V. Bakkers, F.A.J. Hoogendijk und N. Kruit. Brill, Leiden - Boston, 2007.
CD-Rom: Compilation of complete contents of volumes I (1915-1922) - XI (2002). Brill, Leiden, 2007 [2009] [not compatible with modern computer systems].