Universiteit Leiden

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Research project

Professionalisation of teachers and supervisors in police education on inclusion and diverse professionalism

In what ways can the professionalisation of teachers and supervisors in police education around diversity, inclusion and diverse professionalism be increased?

2024 - 2026
Saniye Çelik
Police and Science

The Police Academy

The research report 'Daarom stappen ze op' on departure motives of aspirants and recent graduates in the police shows that a person's decision to leave is related to the degree of inclusion, or the feeling of belonging and being part of it. Leaders and supervisors in the field appear to play a prominent role in the perception of inclusion. Aspirants should perform police work as their practice or work supervisor expects, even if it differs from what they were taught in training. Proper investment in training and personal coaching of leaders in education and practice is desirable and necessary for this reason.  The Police for All realisation plan raises concerns about the professionalisation of practice leaders.  The research presented here builds on the results of 'Daarom stappen ze op'. 

This research shows that current supervisors and trainers are strongly skilled in subject matter: their practical knowledge enables them to guide students in mastering the teaching and practical material. However, there is not a proper overview of how teachers and supervisors are equipped to deal with diversity, promote inclusion and what is needed for their professionalisation and acting competence. We want to map this and turn the insights into recommendations for interventions in (police) education and the police as an organisation. 

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