Research project
JUSTREMIT is an ERC-funded project that brings together political theory, ethnography, and security studies in an interdisciplinary study of remittances and global justice.
- Duration
- 2022
- Contact
- Matthew Hoye
- Funding
- Partners
Institute for Security and Global Affairs (at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs)

Today, 1 billion people are directly involved in the global remittances economy, with migrants potentially remitting upwards of €1 trillion annually. That money directly and efficiently addresses ailments commonly associated with global injustice, such as poverty, malnutrition, and inadequate healthcare. But despite overwhelming evidence that remittances provide essential lifelines for the global poor, remittances are, strikingly, marginalia in the global justice debates.
This project confronts what amounts to €1 trillion and 1-billion-person gaps in the literature. In doing so, it aims to reveal and overcome various theoretical and empirical challenges.
Theoretical and empirical challenges
The project will unfold in three steps.
- It sets out to critically evaluate contemporary global justice theory from the perspective of remittances and the agency of the global poor.
- It undertakes an ambitious and pioneering ethnographic study of the remitter/receiver relationship to uncover the ethical, moral, cultural, and religious practices hidden below the economic surface of remittances.
- It theorizes global justice in a new way, one informed by ethnographic findings and non-liberal moral and political philosophies, including African political philosophy, Mouridism, care ethics, and neorepublicanism. Those studies will informed, and be informed by, simultaneous studies into diaspora politics and west African migration politics.
Advisory Board
Dr. Roothaan is a tenured Assistant Professor at the VU University Amsterdam. She did her Masters in Philosophy at Leiden University, and her PhD in Philosophy at University of Amsterdam. She has published on a wide range of subjects, including Philosophy of Nature, Value Ethics and (early) Modern Philosophy. Her recent publications are mostly on African and Intercultural philosophy – with a focus on environmentalism in an African context, and (the epistemology) of indigenous knowledge.
Currently a postdoctoral candidate at the Washington University School of Medicine, Dr. Bunkley is a medical anthropologist who is interested in women’s health, global health, noncommunicable diseases, and embodiment. Her research focuses on Senegalese women’s experiences with metabolic diseases to better understand changing social networks and kinship relationships. Her research also seeks to challenge the conflation of 'women’s health' with reproductive and maternal health by highlighting the often-overlooked gendered aspects of chronic illness in both clinical settings and in public health.
Cusumano is Assistant Professor in International Relations and European Union studies at Leiden University. Additionally, he is a leading scholar in the governance of migration in Europe. His research concentrates on the role of non-state actors in military operations and humanitarian crises. More specifically, he focuses on the increasing use of Private Military and Security Companies and the involvement of NGOs in Search and Rescue operations in the Mediterranean.
Ribot is Professor at the American University. has a background in physics, linguistics, energy & environmental policy and human geography. He mainly utilizes methods of sociology, anthropology and geography. He has conducted comparative studies across Africa and in Asia and Latin America and likes to present his research’s findings in various forms – including, but not limited to: books, articles, films, policy briefs, rhyming stories, and sculpture. He is currently active at the faculty in the School of International Service at American University in DC Since August 2018.
Professor Joyce Millen has been teaching Medical/Health Anthropology and African Studies at Willamette University since 2005. In addition to a doctorate in medical anthropology, she also holds degrees in public health and international relations. She has conducted extensive ethnomedical and epidemiological research in West Africa, particularly in Senegal where she lived for eight years.
His main interests lie in connecting enthographic and antrhopological theory to sustainability. Marc Brightman’s work is grounded in his research in Amazonian indigenous ethnology, global forest governance, conservation and environmentalism and the (cosmo-)politics of human relationships with the living environment. He is also the co-director of the Centre for the Anthropology of Sustainability (CAOS) at the University College London.
With a strong background and training in Politics, History and Philosophy, Michael Eze’s work, teaching, and research is intensely interdisciplinary. In Politics, his work centers around Global Justice at the intersection of transitional justice mechanism and legitimation of political change. In History, he focus on culture, nationalism, and social change. In philosophy, his work gravitates around the philosophy of race and reconciliation as well as the philosophy of race and resistance.
Professor at the New School for Social Research in New York. Frazer is widely known for her critique of identity politics and her philosophical work on the concept of justice, Fraser holds honorary doctoral degrees from four universities in three countries. She has written on a wide variety of issues, but she is primarily known for her work on the philosophical conceptions of justice and injustice.
Senegalese ethnographer working on local democracy and development in Senegal. With a doctorate in Sociology and a PhD in Social Anthropology from the Institute of Social Anthropology, Papa Faye has been doing research on renewable natural resources governance since 2004. He is co-founder and Executive Secretary of the Centre d’Action pour le Développement et la Recherche (CADRE), based in Dakar.
Leading political theorist and sociologist of migration. Bauböck is a part-time professor in the Global Governance Programme at the European University Institute. His research interests are in normative political theory and comparative research on democratic citizenship, European integration, migration, nationalism and minority rights. He is one of the co-directors of the Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT), an online observatory on citizenship and voting rights.

Funded by the European Union (ERC, JustRemit, project number 949628). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.