Research project
The Rome Hinterland Project
This project aims to integrate three of the largest survey databases in the Mediterranean to study the impact of the megalopolis Rome on its direct hinterland.
- Duration
- 2015
- Funding
NWO Internationalisation in the Humanities
- Partners
- Groningen University (Prof P. Attema, Dr W. Jongman, Dr M. van Leusen)
- Durham University (Dr R. Witcher)
- University of st Andrews (Prof C. Smith)
- University of Rome La Sapienza (Prof P. Carafa, Dr M. C. Capanna)
- Melbourne University (Dr G. Tol)

In the project “integrating field survey data for Rome’s Suburbium”, members of three large, long-running archaeological field survey projects and dr. Willem Jongman (University of Groningen) have joined forces with the aim of advancing our understanding of the changing socio-economic impact of Rome on its hinterland. In concreto, the project aims to integrate the extensive databases of the Suburbium Project carried out by the Università di Roma la Sapienza, the Tiber Valley Project carried out by the British School in Rome and the Pontine Region Project, an on-going project by the Universities of Groningen, Melbourne and Leiden.
The project is currently working on the creation of an overarching database structure that allows us to query all three databases combined. The next steps we will take are, first, the use of this database for various spatiotemporal analyses; and second, t expand the scope of the database to other surveys in Italy and the wider Mediterranean, ultimately building a powerful tool to enable large scale comparative analyses.