Synthetic modification of fusogenic coiled-coil peptides
A structural investigation of coiled coil peptides used as membrane fusogens, mimicing naturally occuring coiled-coil fusion proteins. Synthetic modifications have been made to alter lipid attachment, secondary structure and to insert photoactive azobenzene moieties for active control over coiled coil structure.
- Author
- N.S.A. Crone
- Date
- 16 December 2021
- Links
- Thesis in Leiden Repository

A structural investigation of coiled coil peptides used as membrane fusogens, mimicing naturally occuring coiled-coil fusion proteins. Synthetic modifications have been made to alter lipid attachment, secondary structure and to insert photoactive azobenzene moieties for active control over coiled coil structure. Finally, the underlying photocontrol mechanism investigated in coiled coil peptides is extended to beta-structured peptides, and was shown to be universally applicable.