Matter into context: population- and community-level impacts of nanomaterials in freshwater ecosystems
The application of nanomaterials in industrial processes and consumer products provides many societal benefits, but can also lead to the release of nanomaterials into the environment. The work in this dissertation aims to provide insights into the potential environmental impacts that may follow from this, with specific reference to populations and communities of freshwater invertebrates.
- Author
- T.A.P. Nederstigt
- Date
- 24 April 2024
- Links
- Thesis in Leiden Repository

Based on experimental studies conducted under conditions reflecting those in natural ecosystems, this dissertation shows that commonly applied methodological approaches can lead to an underestimation of the long-term impacts of nanomaterials on freshwater organisms, particularly at the level of populations and communities. In doing so, this dissertation provides perspective on the role of relevance and realism in ecotoxicological assessments, and shows that impact assessments at higher ecological levels can provide sensitive and reliable insights that can serve as a basis for regulation, and guide the development of safer and more sustainable chemicals, substances and materials.