Protection of aviation security through the establishment of prohibited airspace
On 8 June, Wanlu Zhang defended the thesis 'Protection of aviation security through the establishment of prohibited airspace'. The doctoral research was supervised by Steven Truxal and Robert Heinsch.
- Author
- Wanlu Zhang
- Date
- 08 June 2023
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- Protection of aviation security through the establishment of prohibited airspace

What are the conditions, including legal requirements, for establishing prohibited airspace? Who has jurisdiction to establish prohibited airspace? How can the status quo be changed with respect to prohibited airspace to enhance aviation security? The research addresses the ‘who, how and when’ of establishing prohibited airspace. The establishment of prohibited airspace relates to, on the one hand, the principle of air sovereignty, as agreed by governments in the Chicago Convention; and on the other hand, the object of agreeing on the principle to progressively develop civil aviation in a safe and orderly manner. From sovereign airspace, delegated airspace, to airspace beyond territorial limits, this study presents the conditions, justifications and jurisdiction to establish prohibited airspace. Noticing the ‘fragmentation’ among the Chicago Convention, ICAO regulations, UNCLOS and Geneva Conventions, this research presents a synthesis and the prospect for a coherent security regime for prohibited airspace.