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Wat is echt de moeite waard om te onderwijzen? Een perspectiefgerichte benadering - What is really worth teaching? A perspective-oriented approach

With a perspective-based approach to education, students' knowledge, skills and attitude are linked.

Fred Janssen, Hans Hulshof and Klaas van Veen
17 April 2018

Everyone agrees that education should prepare students for the future. But from this point on, opinions differ considerably. Dewey observed a hundred years ago that often two starting points are chosen: the subject matter and the pupil.

Representatives of a learning-oriented approach believe that content should form the core of a future-oriented curriculum. Representatives of a pupil-oriented approach argue, however, that it is precisely general (cross-curricular) skills and attitudes that should be central. This contradiction between subject matter and pupil-oriented education is so persistent that the history of education can be described at all levels as a continuous pendulum movement between these two positions.

Perspective-oriented approach

This book presents a perspective-oriented approach with which the authors hope to end this endless and fruitless pendulum movement. After all, perspectives connect knowledge, skills and attitudes on a higher level. Pupils who are introduced to perspectives not only learn biology, history, geography and mathematics, but also learn biological, historical, geographical and mathematical thinking. Moreover, a perspective-based curriculum can ensure less overload, more cohesion within and between courses and a balance between qualification, socialization and personal development.

In part 1 of this book the perspective-oriented approach is described and justified. In part 2, teaching methodogogists work out this method in detail for a large number of school subjects. 

Three books

This book forms a series with two other practical publications on subject didactics. While in this book the 'what and why question' is central, the book  Uitdagend gedifferentieerd vakonderwijs focuses on the question of how. In the brochure Vakdidactische begeleiding en samen opleiden  practical tools from both books are presented concisely, and it shows how teachers (in training) can gradually expand their didactic repertoire.

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