Temple oaths in Ptolemaic Egypt : a study at the crossroads of law, ethics and religion
Viviana Massa defended her thesis on 16 December 2018.
- Author
- V. Massa
- Date
- 06 December 2018
- Links
- Leiden Repository

Research into the phrasing, structure, and nature from the point of view of legal history, as well as the social and religious background of temple oaths from the Ptolemaic period, supplemented with 21 unpublished texts written in demotic and Greek. Chapter 1. Introduction: Meaning and terminology of the oath in Ancient Egypt; Chapter 2. Juridical oaths from the Old Kingdom through the Ptolemaic period: an overview (ca. 2600-30 B.C.); Chapter 3. The format of temple oaths: a study of their clauses, components and legal contents; Chapter 4. Swearing a temple oath: the procedure; Chapter 5. Unpublished texts. A selection of demotic temple oaths in the Turin Egyptian Museum and Greek temple oaths from various collections.
Promotor: Prof. dr. O.E. Kaper; Supervisor: dr. J.F. Borghouts