Persatuan pemuda muslim se-eropa: identity,encouragement for giving, and network,1971-2009
Mr. Sujadi defended his thesis on 29 June 2017
- Author
- Sujadi
- Date
- 29 June 2017
- Links
- Leiden Repository

Young Muslim Association in Europe (PPME), established in The Hague by most of Indonesian youths in 1971, keeps going to be more significant for its members. This fact has led me to do research on its formation of religious identity, encouragement for giving, and networks (1971-2009). This research aims to historically describe the process of its establishment and development and explore its activities in the Netherlands and Indonesia. This approach aims to elicit the pattern of the formation and the attempts for the encouragement and to reveal the networks in the two countries. PPME could maintain its unity up to 2004. In 2005, some members of PPME Amsterdam left the branch due to its decision rejecting their traditionalist rituals as part of those of its mosque. PPME’s encouragement for giving enabled its branches to provide, especially, infrastructural accommodations. It also created significant networks with Indonesian, Surinamese, Dutch, and Turkish organizations in the Netherlands whereas in Indonesia networks included a Salafi pesantren called Roisah, Jepara (2005-2010) because of the role of the Amsterdam branch. Thus, PPME is required for the existence of its members in the Dutch society and for their communication with other sides, including the Dutch government.
Supervisors: C. van Dijk and N.J.G. Kaptein