Universiteit Leiden

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Only the dead can tell us: on ancestor worship, law, social status and gender norms in Ancient Egypt

On Wednesday 3 July 2024 Renata Schiavo successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.

Schiavo, R.
03 July 2024
Leiden Repository

The main aim of the present thesis is to investigate the authoritative role of the ancestors in matters of social cohesion, succession, inheritance, property ownership and gender norms. In particular the purpose is to ascertain whether religious sources concerning the cult of the ancestors can provide concrete evidence on how justice was actually administrated in Ancient Egypt. The title – Only the dead can tell us – derived indeed from the idea that this core of religious beliefs, which also included necromantic practices, can be invaluable for better understanding Ancient Egyptian society and justice.

Supervisor: Prof.dr. O.E. Kaper
Co-supervisor: Dr. R.J. Demarée

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