Multiple Paths. Towards a Performance Practice in Computer Music
This thesis proposes multiple paths towards the development of a performance practice in Computer Music.
- Author
- Juan Parra Cancino
- Date
- 02 December 2014
- Links
- Full text available in Leiden Repository

The exposition of this thesis takes advantage of the virtual platform provided by the research catalogue (www.researchcatalogue.net), which enables the presentation of contexts, processes, results and reflections of the research conducted in both the more traditional written form, as well as in the audio visual domain. In doing so, the invitation is for a de-hierarchisation of the modes of presentation of traditional academic research and for the engagement in a more integral reading (and listening, and seeing) of the whole body of research.
Supervising team
- Prof. Frans de Ruiter - 1st promotor - Leiden University
- Prof. Richard Barrett - 2nd promotor - Instituut voor Sonologie, Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag
- Dr. Marcel Cobussen - co-promotor - Leiden University