Universiteit Leiden

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Islamic Thought and History

Islamic Thought in History (ITH) is a peer-reviewed book series that publishes new approaches to Islamic thought and the history of ideas in the Islamic civilisation.

Ahab Bdaiwi a.o.
27 September 2024

Special attention is given to the use of interdisciplinary methods and insights in a diachronic perspective. The series welcomes contributions on all aspects of thought and the production and transmission of knowledge from the rise of Islam to the present day, including but not limited to early Islam, intellectual and religious history, Qurʾānic studies, Ḥadīth studies, Islamic philosophy and theology, political thought, Sufism, occult sciences, and Islamic religious disciplines such as tafsīrfiqh and uṣūl al-fiqh. It aims to encourage and promote the study of intellectual history in its social and political context throughout Islamic history.
The series includes monographs, edited volumes, critical editions, annotated translations, and conference proceedings in the field of Islamic intellectual history in the broadest sense. It publishes volumes in English and Arabic. Other languages such as French, German, Spanish, and Italian can be considered.

From Brill

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