Beyond Departure: The Greeks in Egypt, 1962-1976
On 16 November 2022 ms. Eftychia Mylona successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
- Author
- E. Mylona
- Date
- 16 November 2022
- Links
- Leiden Repository

This dissertation examines the continued, yet hitherto overlooked, engagement of the Greek community in Egypt from the period after the en masse departure of most of its members (1962), until the implementation of the infitāh policies in 1976 by Anwar Sadat. Beyond Departure: The Greeks in Egypt, 1962-1976 explores the Greeks’ multiple personal, local and institutional histories that make up the Greek presence in history after 1962. It reveales the diversity of Greek experiences based on geographical, socioeconomic and individual context. It analyzes the motivations and strategies they employed to respond to the economic and social changes in Egyptian society, such as the end of the Capitulations, WWI and WWII, the formation of the post-colonial state, and the 1961 Nationalization laws, among others, and the relations these events formed between Egyptian nationals and non nationals and the Egyptian state. It also explores how Greeks negotiated their presence, identity and feelings of belonging, in mind and practice, as a diaspora with a transnational agency.
Supervisor: prof. dr. P.M. Sijpesteijn
Co-supervisor: Dr. T. Nalbantian.