Globalizing Regionalism and International Relations
Building on the recent initiative to truly globalize the field of international relations, this book provides an innovative interrogation of regionalism.
- Author
- Beatrix Futák-Campbell
- Date
- 21 May 2021

The book applies a globalizing framework to the study of regional worlds in order to move beyond the traditional conception of regionalism, which views regions as competing blocs dominated by great powers. Bringing together a wide range of case studies, the book shows that regions are instead dynamic configurations of social and political identities in which a variety of actors, including the less powerful, interact and partake in regionalization processes and have done so through the centuries.
Book chapter by Dr. Vanessa Newby
The book chapter (pp. 49-73.) 'Embracing the particular: A research agenda for Globalizing International Relations' debates on the contribution and value of area studies have punctuated the field of IR since the end of World War Two. This chapter provides a brief history of the debates between IR scholars and area studies specialists to show why international relations currently lacks the detailed regional knowledge needed to advance the Globalising IR agenda. It reveals how critiques of area studies have always been closely connected to epistemological developments: The more IR aligned itself with the ‘scientific method’ the more it has distanced itself from area studies. The second section then discusses how methodology has played a role in restricting our regional knowledge, in particular how neo-positivist methodology can limit and proscribe research being carried out in IR. The third and final section then offers some practical suggestions for uncovering local and regional insights using pragmatic versions of process-tracing, comparative regional methods, and analyticism.
Bristol University Press
Bristol University Press and its imprint Policy Press publish across a range of subjects in research and theory; learning resources; general non-fiction; reference and journals. Policy Press also publishes for a policy and practice audience.
Globalizing Regionalism and International Relations
Dr. Beatrix Futák-Campbell is Assistant Professor of International Relations. She completed her PhD in International Relations at the University of St. Andrews and her MA in EU Studies and German and MSc in Research in Politics at the University of Edinburgh. Her research interests include contemporary IR theory, especially Practice Theory and Global IR, EU relations with Russia and methods/ methodologies on how to study IR.
Dr. Vanessa Newby is an Assistant Professor at Leiden University with the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs - Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) and is the PhD Coordinator at ISGA. Vanessa is President of Women in International Security Netherlands (WIIS-NL), and is also the lead researcher for the Gender and Peace research stream of the Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice. Vanessa’s research interests include peacekeeping, peacebuilding, informal institutions, gender and security and the international relations of the Middle East.