Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies 20
Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies 20, 2004
- Author
- Abraham van As, Corinne L. Hofman, Gloria A. London, Miguel John Versluys
- Date
- 01 January 2004

- Leiden studies in pottery technology (A. van As)
- Different or alike? A technological comparison between late-prehistoric ceramics and modern-day folk pottery of St. Lucia (W.I.) (C.L. Hofman and L. Jacobs)
- Manzanilla 1: creating a site-scale pottery classification at a multi-component Ceramic Age site on Trinidad (M.C. Dorst)
- From myth to matter: the ceramic tradition of the Kari'na of Northeast Suriname (A.H.L. Vredenbregt)
- Early pottery from Late Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad II, Syria (A. van As, L. Jacobs and O.P. Nieuwenhuyse)
- The manufacturing technique of the Coba bowls and other Late-Chalcolithic pottery from Oylum Höyük, Turkey (A. van As and L. Jacobs)
- Preliminary data on Starcevo-Cris and Dudesti pottery from Teleor 003, Teleorman River Valley, Southern Romania (A. van As, L. Jacobs and L. Thissen)
- Current research (2002-2004)