Koriabo; From the Caribbean Sea to the Amazon River
This book is about the archaeology of indigenous peoples who thrived across the Caribbean, the Guianas, and the Lower Amazon basin just before the European invasion, and who also remained central to the early history of conquest and colonization.
- Author
- C.L. Hofman, C. Barreto, H. Lima, S. Rostain (eds)
- Date
- 01 December 2020

It is the first result of collaboration among archaeologists that, until recently, had been working separately in these three regions, but on a very similar ceramic style, first named Koriabo in the Guianas. The exchange of data from research programs in Brazil, the Guianas, and the Caribbean made it possible to discuss how the unique Koriabo style of ceramics acquired such a surprisingly wide geographic distribution.
This book explores how patterns of mobility, migration, exchange networks, and the sharing of technology and beliefs shaped ceramic styles, cultural identities, and the dynamics of their dispersion and change across time and space. The sixteen contributions presented herein provide the reader with an extraordinary new body of data on ceramic styles and technology, local and regional archaeological contexts, historical and contemporary references on indigenous territoriality, regional boundaries, language dispersion, and ethnic interactions. It is both the first overview of a major but largely overlooked ceramic style and a broader synthesis of the state of the art debates in northern South American and Caribbean archaeology.