Interpreting the Late Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia
The times between the Neolithic and Urban revolutions in Mesopotamia have for a long time been interpreted as a period of stagnation. This volume is part of an emerging discourse that challenges such assumptions.
- Author
- Olivier Nieuwenhuyse, Peter Akkermans, Reinhard Bernbeck, Jana Rogasch
- Date
- 01 January 2013

This book is based upon an international conference, hosted by peter Akkermans and Olivier Nieuwenhuyse some years ago. A large, international group of scholars discusses in detail the wealth of information on the Late Neolithic (7 th and 6 th millennium BC) gained from several decades of recent research in northern Mesopotamia.
A review by Ian Hodder (Stanford University): “This is an enormously impressive volume that consigns to the waste bin any notion that the Late Neolithic in Upper Mesopotamia was an inconsequential period of stagnant inactivity between the PPNB and the Ubaid, between the origins of farming and of urbanism. Rather, the period emerges as diverse and complex, witnessing much dynamism and challenging many accepted assumptions. A hugely impressive compendium of papers transforms our vision of this time period. The papers are lively and diverse in terms of theory and perspective. Some deal more with excavation results and with microhistories, while others provide synthetic accounts. "Interpreting the Late Neolithic" is a milestone in late prehistoric research of Western Asia.”
Order information
This book can be ordered at the website of Brepols Publishers