Research facilities
Lab facilities Cognitive Psychology
- Application
- Reactions and reaction times in cognitive tasks.
- Availability
- Staff, guest researchers and students.
- Location
Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
- Contact
- Maureen Meekel

This laboratory consist of several rooms with various functions. The central facility consists of a number of small booths equipped with a computer for the presentation of stimuli and the registration of responses. Most research is programmed in E-prime and aims at studying cognitive functions, like perception, attention, memory, motor actions and the interactions between these functions.
- Room 1.B18 is equipped with a sophisticated system for studying virtual identity effects.
The unit of cognitive psychology is also taking part in the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC). Part of its research, especially studies involving measurement of brain activity with fMRI, is performed therefore in the Leiden University Medical Centre.
- Driving simulator
- Tobii eyetracker system
- Virtual identity system.
- E-prime
Lab users have to be acquainted with lab protocols and technology.
For support please visit the SOLO Research and Lab Support website.
Rooms S.B08 -10, S.B25-29, 1.B30, 1.B50 and 1.B56.