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Museology and Site Management Training in Sohag

From 4 November until 9 November 2018, the Netherlands Embassy in Cairo organized a training in Museology and Site Management in close cooperation with the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities and the Reinwardt Academy (Amsterdam), with great contributions of local partners from Megawra/Al Athar Lina and Helwan University.

The training took place in Sohag, Upper Egypt and included a group of thirty participants, who are employees of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. The training focused on creating a dialogue and working on museology, site management, inclusion, participation, site values, storytelling, and many more elements. In addition, interesting field trips to archaeological sites were organized such as the recently reopened Sohag Museum and visits to places where intangible heritage becomes concrete.

All of these activities were combined to make this training a wonderfully balanced program in which theory, practice and ethics are central and intertwined. The group of participants worked very hard on their presentations and assignments together with the team of trainers and consultants and developed many great and enlightening ideas. All in all, the NVIC is happy to conclude that it has been a very interesting and successful week in Sohag!


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