Business & Liability Research Network proudly presents its 2018 Annual Report03 April 2019
After a successful launch in the beginning of 2018, the Business & Liability Research Network proudly presents its 2018 Annual Report.
Successful International Insolvency Law PhD Workshop14 March 2019
On 28 February and 1 March 2019, Stichting Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection (Foundation) held its first PhD Workshop on European and Internationa...
Restructuring of Corporate Groups in Europe05 January 2019
Restructuring of corporate groups was discussed at the joint conference of the European Law Institute (ELI) and the Business & Liability Research Netw...
The golden braid of AI and (company) law: JURIX 201821 December 2018
Between 12 to 14 December 2018, the University of Groningen hosted JURIX 2018 – The 31st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information S...
Round table symposium ‘Government and private governance’17 December 2018
On 10 October 2018 Cees de Groot and Jelle Nijland organized a round-table-symposium ‘Government and private governance’ for experts in the field of p...
PhD Workshop on European/International Insolvency Law09 November 2018
On 28 February 2019 the Stichting Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection will hold a PhD workshop on European/International Insolvency Law to which PhD...
Conference on restructuring of corporate groups26 October 2018
The European Law Institute (ELI) and Business and Liability Research Network (BLRN) of the Leiden Law School organise a conference on restructuring of...
Blockchain, smart contracts and decentralized organisations12 April 2018
On Monday, 09 April 2018, Aron Fischer Ph.D., freelance mathematician and researcher of Colony and Ethereum Foundation’s Swarm team, delivered an abso...
Prof. Iris Wuisman speaker at the launch of the Partnership, LLP and LLC Academic Forum11 April 2018
Prof. Iris Wuisman was invited to be a speaker at the inaugural conference of the Partnership, LLP and LLC Academic Forum in Nottingham on 5th April t...
Business & Liability Research Network (BLRN) goes live with an inaugural conference on ‘Business Resilience’28 February 2018
The Business & Liability Research Network’s (BLRN) Opening Conference on Business Resilience was a resounding success and the report below provides an...
Participating in a European Workshop on Blockchain and the Law06 December 2017
Iris Wuisman and Morshed Mannan of the Company Law department attended a European workshop on blockchain and the law at the European University Instit...