Michaël Peyrot appointed professor: 'We have a bright future ahead of us'11 September 2023
Michaël Peyrot has been appointed professor of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics with retroactive ...
Olja Karmanova wins Faculty Teaching Prize 202311 September 2023
The Humanities Faculty Teaching Award has been won by Olja Karmanova. The Russian lecturer was presented with the award during the opening of the facu...
Digging for treasure in archives: what did spoken Scots sound like?05 September 2023
How did Scottish speakers sound hundreds of years ago? University lecturer Mo Gordon thinks the answer to that question can be found in church archive...
The mechanism behind a friendly chat: 'Puzzle gets unravelled bit by bit'01 September 2023
A friendly chat is more complicated than you might think. As soon as the other person finishes talking, you already have an answer ready. But how do w...
Cattle, rather than geometric shapes, determine how the Hamar see the world11 August 2023
Sara Petrollino, a university lecturer in linguistics, strongly believes that language influences the way we see the world. An NWO Open Competition (X...
Why is that word there? Research on language structure completed01 August 2023
Communication is the transmission of information. All day long we are busy explaining and making things clear to each other, but exactly how we do tha...
Dutch Research Council pilot programme funding for seven researchers06 July 2023
Seven researchers from Leiden University have made a successful application to the Open Competition SSH (Social Sciences and Humanities) XS, a Dutch R...
How seals point to an undocumented prehistoric language03 July 2023
Language can be a time machine: we can learn from ancient texts how our ancestors interacted with the world around them. But can language also teach u...
SSH labs: a place to be inspired by your colleagues19 June 2023
The new SSH labs will offer great opportunities for FSW and FGW staff engaged in experimental research. The labs will be a place of inspiration, not o...
NWO funding for three new humanities PhD students15 June 2023
Three PhD candidates from the Faculty of Humanities have successfully applied for funding from NWO for new PhD candidates. The three upcoming research...
Lips pouted or not? How improved speaker recognition can help forensic investigations12 June 2023
Police investigations use wiretapped phone recordings as investigative material fairly regularly. But how do they know that the voice on the recording...
Language during war: the changing position of Russian in Ukraine06 June 2023
The impact of war extends beyond destroyed buildings and torn families. In bilingual Ukraine, the ongoing war with Russia is a major driver for increa...
Teaming up with Portugal: as a doctor, how do you talk to a patient?02 June 2023
As a doctor, coming to a decision together with a patient: how do you do that in the best possible way? Researchers Geert Warnar and Roosmaryn Pilgram...
NWO Open Competition grants for six researchers22 May 2023
Six researchers from Leiden University have been awarded NWO (Dutch Research Council) Open Competition funding. This funding gives them the opportunit...
What influence did French really have on Dutch?15 May 2023
Just as some people today dislike English influences on the Dutch language, in early modern times people also criticised the Frenchification of Dutch....