Sjef Barbiers appointed Scientific Director: 'LUCL is unique in the world'05 March 2024
The LUCL has a new Scientific Director. Professor Sjef Barbiers took over the reins from Lisa Cheng with effect from 1 January. 'This is a great oppor...
‘Language is part of your identity; we need to teach children this from an early age’04 March 2024
Language is omnipresent: when you talk, app or meet in Teams. Understanding how we communicate with one another and what communication does to us is e...
Vici grants for seven researchers from Leiden University29 February 2024
From research on stellar winds to sign language: an impressive seven researchers from Leiden University will receive a prestigious Vici grant from the...
How the rise of AI is creating new opportunities for computational linguists20 February 2024
With the rise of AI, interest in computational linguistics and language models has taken flight. But machines are far from being able to go it alone. ...
App on Gender Equality Launched at FGW: 'We have to do it together'14 February 2024
Male scientists owe their position to their brilliance, women to their hard work. Or do they? The Equalista app helps staff and students at the Facult...
New professor Alwin Kloekhorst: 'The origin of your language also says something about you'08 February 2024
Where does Dutch come from? Newly appointed Professor Alwin Kloekhorst looks for an answer to that question in millennia-old languages from Anatolia, ...
Supercomputer ALICE is even more powerful, and that is good news for many disciplines03 January 2024
Supercomputer ALICE has been expanded, making it even more powerful and faster. This means researchers and students can work with heavier models. From...
Translating humorous children's poetry? Content matters most11 December 2023
Translating poetry is notoriously difficult. Translating poetry in such a way that the humorous nature of a poem remains intact is even more difficult...
Footballer and journalist Nikki IJzerman: 'I want to dive into the background of the news'16 November 2023
Give Nikki IJzerman a football and she’s happy. The midfielder was named Player of the Year by ADO Den Haag last season, as well as obtaining her mast...
City Photographer for a year: ‘Unfortunately, I found that I’m not really very visual’09 November 2023
Julia van Alem had never held a camera before, but she and her classmates were appointed as the City Photographer. ‘This project helped me learn how t...
What is the future of translation software within the university?06 November 2023
Is there a place for machine translation engines like Google Translate within the Faculty of Humanities? Associate professor Lettie Dorst’s new educat...
Artificial intelligence and clay tablets: not yet a perfect match10 October 2023
Translating ancient texts, filling in missing parts of clay tablets: articles are popping up more and more often about the possibilities offered by ar...
Emeriti professors organise symposium: 'it’s a shame if our knowledge goes to waste'09 October 2023
When professors become emeriti, it usually does not mean they stop working. The Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) will therefore soon have a first: a symp...
New super server at humanities25 September 2023
When you think of humanities, you may not immediately think of a new super server. Yet one has just been commissioned. University lecturer Jelena Prok...
Children's Storybook ‘Sumak Kichwa Wawa’19 September 2023
What do you get when you combine traditional storytelling, new technology, and a whole lot of creative passion? Sumak Kichwa Wawa, an Andean children'...