How did Proto-Indo-European reach Asia?15 July 2024
Five thousand years before the common era (BCE), Proto-Indo-European, the mother of many languages that are spoken today in Europe, Central Asia and S...
PhD candidate Camil Staps figured out what ‘out’ means20 June 2024
Words originally intended to indicate space, such as ‘out’, are also regularly used to indicate cause and effect. Why does this happen? And how does i...
Rubicon awarded to neuroscientist Simeen Tabassi Mofrad18 June 2024
Neuroscientist Simeen Tabassi Mofrad has been awarded a Rubicon grant to conduct research on cortical and allelic determinants of age-related cognitiv...
Kate Bellamy: ‘Exciting to put P'urhepecha community in touch with written heritage’13 June 2024
Many members of Chicago's P'urhepecha community did not even know they lived a stone’s throw from some of their own historical heritage. Researcher Ka...
Presentation of Greek-Dutch dictionary: ‘In the end, you have to decide what to do’10 June 2024
After a process of more than two decades, the new Greek-Dutch dictionary was presented on Wednesday 5 June. University lecturer Lucien van Beek acted ...
Twan Huys lecturer Journalism and New Media06 June 2024
Television presenter and journalist Twan Huys will be a lecturer in Journalism and New Media at Leiden University from 1 September 2024.
Dr. Naomi Truan delivers lunchtime talk at Austria Centre Leiden15 May 2024
Dr. Naomi Truan, Assistant Professor of German Sociolinguistics at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics delivered a lunchtime talk sponsored b...
Vici for Victoria Nyst: 'The history of sign language contributes to identity formation'14 May 2024
Victoria Nyst's love for sign language was sparked when she accidentally ended up at a deaf school while studying African linguistics. The university ...
How language reveals what you're really saying: 'Interesting if it's language-independent'30 April 2024
In a conversation, you provide all sorts of information to the listener. For example, you can indicate that you're certain about something, or that yo...
Two researchers receive Rubicon grant for research abroad22 April 2024
Uncovering ageing processes in the brain and research on the use of the word ‘that’. Thanks to a Rubicon Grant, two Leiden researchers who were recent...
‘One day of lessons and the Boa people can read their own language’18 April 2024
Until recently the Congo’s isolated Boa community had never read a single letter in their own language: quite simply, there was no alphabet to describ...
Nancy Kula: ‘Languages are very diverse’15 April 2024
Nancy Kula has been Professor of African Linguistics since 1 February. Now is a good time to hear more about her field of expertise and academic inter...
How AI helps map sign languages15 April 2024
Like spoken languages, sign languages evolve organically and do not always have the same origin. This produces different ways of communication and ann...
How live bloggers balance speed and credibility28 March 2024
PhD candidate Sebastiaan van de Lubben has written live blogs about Leiden politics. But how do you go about covering an event while it unfolds? ‘You ...
‘Stemmen van Afrika’ wins popularisation prize: 'Language is more than grammar'19 March 2024
The Voices of Africa platform is ten years old and has just recently won the annual popularisation prize of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguis...