Caspar Jacobs, Marta Bielinska Winners of Du Châtelet Prize 2023The winners are Marta Bielinska and Caspar Jacobs for their paper “A Philosophical Introduction to Hidden Symmetries in Physics.” 08 November 2023
The Du Châtelet Prize in Philosophy of Physics is awarded annually for previously unpublished work in philosophy of physics by a graduate student or j...
Two Leiden academics nominated for Person of the Year05 January 2023
Leiden academics Remco Breuker and Auke-Florian Hiemstra stand to win the title of Person of the Year. According to the Leidsch Dagblad newspaper, the...
Nira Wickramasinghe on the protests in Sri Lanka19 July 2022
Sri Lanka is experiencing unprecedented economic and political crises. Months of protests came to a head earlier this month when protesters occupied P...
Podcast: Urban Life in Catalonia in the 14th Century with Jeff Fynn-Paul06 September 2021
Most of us know that Venice, Genoa, and Florence were major Mediterranean powers during the Renaissance. But did you know that in terms of trade and s...
Article by Donald Weber- DIRTY PICTURES01 April 2021
DIRTY PICTURES // 26 March 2021// Trigger, FOMU, Antwerp (BE)
Anna Scott's research mentioned on Private Passions on BBC Radio 317 November 2020
British novelist Sarah Perry picked Anna Scott as one of her favorite musicians for the program Private Passions on BBC Radio 3.
'The results could take days'04 November 2020
Election Day is over, but it's by no means clear who the new President of the United States will be. On the morning after Election Day, US expert Sara...
eye-blink (1) - Richard Barrett - (Premiere) Performed by Alinéa04 September 2020
In the face of the pandemic and sweeping cancellations of in-person festivals and concerts, The Alinéa Ensemble, a group of young musicians based in B...
Anne Marieke van der Wal-Rémy: ‘The Instagram influencer should also be preserved as a historical source’08 June 2020
Anne Marieke van der Wal-Rémy, assistant professor of African History and International Studies, has received a Comenius Teaching Fellow grant of 50,0...
André Gerrits: ‘Coronavirus is speeding up social developments'05 June 2020
All the world leaders have had to choose an approach during the global Covid-19 crisis. But which approach is the most effective? André Gerrits, Profe...
Lively debate after panel on current events in Iran06 February 2020
Over 170 people took part in the panel on current events in Iran organized by LUCIS. A bustling crowd of Dutch-Iranians, students, University staff, a...
Visit ambassadors to the University Library Special Collections18 December 2019
Special visit of seven ambassadors of the Arabic-speaking world to the University Library
Middle Eastern Culture Market 201906 December 2019
The fourth edition of the Middle Eastern Culture market was a great success with more than 2000 visitors over the weekend. Attendees participated in t...
'Invisible agents' by Nadine Akkerman most discussed book at Hay Festival21 June 2019
University Lecturer Nadine Akkerman concluded her book tour for her book 'Invisible Agents' in England at the Hay Festival. At the festival, attended ...
33 sayings highlight multilingual The Hague25 March 2019
Since March 5th, the road between Holland Spoor Station and the old city centre of The Hague (also called the “Loper Oude Centrum”) features 33 saying...