Universiteit Leiden

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Unveiling the hidden world of wood

For four years, Vicky Beckers examined thin slices of wood under a microscope, mapping the anatomy of two plant families. Her research helps identify different wood species, benefiting both the timber trade and archaeology.

By studying wood under a microscope, researchers can describe its structure and distinguish between species. That is exactly what Vicky Beckers did during her PhD research at Naturalis and Leiden University. ‘Just as we have organs with different functions, wood also has specialised parts: it transports water, provides strength, and serves as storage. This varies by species. For example, the wood of a liana looks very different from that of a tree, as lianas need to be more flexible.’

At Naturalis, Beckers had access to one of the world’s largest scientific wood collections. She examined numerous wood samples from two plant families. ‘Under the microscope, you see all kinds of patterns,’ Beckers explains. ‘Round or elongated cells, thick or thin walls, and sometimes even crystals inside the cells. These differences help us identify species and understand how they adapt to their environment.’

‘Under the microscope, you see all kinds of patterns’

How trees adapt to climate change

One of her research questions was how wood properties evolve over time. ‘Some plants have adapted from wet to dry climates, leading to changes in their wood structure. By comparing family trees, I could see whether these changes occurred within related species or arose independently multiple times. This helps us better understand how trees adapt to their surroundings.’ Such knowledge can be used to develop more climate-resilient plant species.

Plant families

The two families Beckers studied are Apocynaceae and Sapotaceae. The first is also known as the dogbane family, while the second includes species such as the shea tree (used for shea butter), the argan tree (which produces argan oil), and a latex-producing tree.

The tree species she examined had never been mapped in such detail before. Beckers explains: ‘One family is highly diverse in growth forms, while the other has extremely hard wood, which has deterred researchers in the past.’

Wood identification: from trade to archaeology

The data Beckers collected over the years has been added to InsideWood, a major database used by customs officers and researchers worldwide to identify wood species. ‘About 30% of all traded wood is illegal, and in some tropical regions, this figure rises to 90%. Correctly identifying wood species is crucial in tackling deforestation and illegal trade.’

Archaeologists also benefit from her research. ‘Wooden remains in archaeological finds often contain no DNA, but by studying wood anatomy, we can still determine which species were historically used for tools, ships, and buildings.’

An old field with new insights

The study of wood anatomy dates back centuries. ‘Technically, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek was already doing it in the 17th century,’ Beckers notes. Yet, the field remains highly relevant. ‘DNA techniques are often not useful. Archaeological finds or planks of tropical hardwood contain no DNA—it’s dead wood. That’s why microscopic research remains essential. Thanks to AI, the field is becoming more advanced and efficient.’

Still, there is much more to discover. ‘There are thousands of tree species that have never been examined under a microscope,’ says Beckers.


Vicky Beckers defenses her thesis titled Comparative wood anatomy and evolution of Apocynaceae and Sapotaceae on 1 april

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