Klokhuis over blozen en glimlachen? Jouw stem telt!
Who wouldn’t want their own episode of Het Klokhuis? Researchers Milica Nikolic and Chris Riddell are in the running for the Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs, which aims to introduce a broad and young audience to scientific research in the Netherlands.
Scientist Milica Nikolic and PhD candidate Chris Riddell have been nominated for the Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs. This award recognises research that is particularly engaging for children aged 9 to 12. The winner will have their research turned into a Klokhuis episode.
Making friends
At Amsterdam’s NEMO Science Museum, researchers investigated whether smiling and blushing helps children to make friends. In the study, children who had never met before greeted each other while researchers observed who smiled or blushed. They then played a game together and shared how much they liked each other. The results showed that children were more likely to engage in better teamwork with those who smiled and blushed. Interestingly, blushing children in all-boy or all-girl pairs were seen as even more likeable.
Cast Your Vote
Klokhuis viewers can vote for their favourite research project via this link. The winner will be announced on Sunday, March 16th.