Universiteit Leiden

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How 'Big Tech' Undermines Our Democracy

Tech giants such as Google, Apple, and Microsoft are increasingly shaping the digital world we live in. Reijer Passchier cautions: 'Urgent measures are needed to curb this influence.'

On 20 March 2025, an Actualiteitencollege (Current Affairs Lecture) took place featuring Passchier, Professor of Digitalisation and the Democratic Rule of Law, based on his book The Curse of Big Tech (in Dutch: ‘De vloek van Big Tech). The lecture explored the power of tech giants and their influence on the democratic rule of law.

AI-generated depiction of feudalism with Big Tech at the top

Digital Feudalism: The Technological Elite

According to Passchier, companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft have become so deeply embedded in our daily lives that it is hard to imagine living without them. This poses serious risks to privacy and democratic values. Passchier refers to this as ‘digital feudalism’, where technology companies share increasing power with governments—and in some cases, even surpass them in influence. He warns that 'Big Tech is subjecting the democratic state to a feudal system,' where the state risks losing its role as legislator.

How tech giants influence regulation

The technological grip on our society

Beyond the economy, tech giants also shape social structures. Coding and algorithms dictate how information is disseminated and how individuals behave. Decision-making increasingly takes place in Silicon Valley rather than in political centres like Brussels or Washington. Passchier warns against ‘techno-optimism’ and ‘techno-fetishism’, where blind trust in technology erodes critical oversight.

Approaches to curbing their power

Passchier argues that dependence on tech giants must be reduced by fostering European technological alternatives that prioritise democratic values. He also advocates for constitutional checks and balances to regulate these corporations, akin to the way governments are held accountable. Stricter regulation and fair competition are essential, with more rigorous conditions for accessing the European market. Additionally, Europe must support its own technological sector and develop alternatives that align with socially responsible values.

A Democratic Digital Landscape?

The power of tech giants puts pressure on the democratic rule of law. Through lobbying, economic threats, and technological dominance, they constrain government regulation and undermine autonomy. However, solutions exist: by reducing dependence, enforcing stricter regulations, and promoting alternatives, we can restore balance.

The Academy for the Rule of Law

Contribute to restoring trust in public governance and learn what is needed for a resilient democracy? Join the Dutch 'Academy for the Rule of Law' programme.

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This current affairs college was organised by the Centre for Professional Learning in collaboration with the Montesquieu Institute and took place during the Leiden University Academy Week.

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