Migration, Máxima and girls in tech: our year on social media
Year-in-review 2024 image: Robin Utrecht
2024 has been an eventful year, and this is reflected in our social media posts. An overview of the most liked, most shared or most impressive posts.
450th Dies Natalis
In 2024 we started preparing for the celebration of our 450th anniversary. One of the ways we did this was by launching the Top450 website, where everyone can share their favourite memories of Leiden. We’ve already had 162 responses, for which many thanks!
In 2024 the Netherlands elected its most right-wing government ever, which then promptly tried to declare a ‘migration crisis’. Giacomo Boffi, Eduard Suari-Andreu and Olaf van Vliet conducted research on the financial consequences of migration. And what did they find? The burden placed on the budgets of European countries by migrants is much less than often thought. In many cases, they make a more positive contribution than the native-born population.
Máxima speaks with students
Just imagine: one day, you’re sitting around the kitchen table with some friends and you come up with a plan, which you then implement, and eighteen months later Queen Máxima suddenly comes to visit. That is exactly what happened to Tess Franken, a Public Administration student at Leiden University. She was worried about mental health problems and suicide among students, and the fact that students almost never discuss them with each other. This resulted in the ‘Door Het Geluid’ foundation being established.
A wedding on 3 October
Rianne van der Reek and Tom Stapper, both staff members of Leiden University, tied the knot during the 450th celebration of Leidens Ontzet (Relief of Leiden). In that 450-year tradition, couples had never been able to marry in Leiden on 3 October. Until now, that is.
The government announced drastic budget cuts to higher education this year. This led to massive protests in university cities and at Malieveld in The Hague. In Leiden too, students, lecturers and other staff took to the streets. Our posts about these demonstrations were shared and liked by many. Despite a slight mitigation of the austerity plans, universities will still be hit hard. New protests will therefore undoubtedly follow in 2025.
Children’s book
Leiden PhD student Karen van den Akker wants to inspire girls to choose a career in technology. Together with fellow students Liselotte Nass and Nadine Duursma, she decided to write a children’s book, which was published this year. The initiative was received very enthusiastically on social media, and the book also attracted the attention of national media.
Mastodon and Bluesky
In 2024 we were less active on X and increasingly used the alternative platforms Mastodon and Bluesky. On Mastodon, our research on small gardens in the city made a big impact. Pavement gardens are a source of life and biodiversity, according to the PhD research conducted by Joeri Morpurgo in the city centres of Amsterdam and The Hague.
Since last month, we have also been active on Bluesky and have now published our first posts. Make sure you follow us there too, so you don’t miss any of our news in 2025.
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