Mark Klaassen advocates for effective family reunification rights at Red Cross event
Mark Klaassen presents at the Reuniting Families: From Access to Integration event organised by the EU office of the Red Cross in Brussels.
At the event that recently took place, the participants of the REunification PAthways for IntegRation (REPAIR) project presented their findings and outcomes.
Klaassen discussed recent developments in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights regarding the family reunification of beneficiaries of international protection. He observed that Member States are restricting the right to family reunification by creating both practical and legal hurdles that are difficult to meet for applicants. The case law discussed demonstrates that where states are becoming more restrictive, the European courts are stepping up to protect the effectiveness of the right to family reunification.
Klaassen encouraged legal practitioners to use the case law on the effectiveness of the right to family reunification in domestic and European legal proceedings.