Gianclaudio Malgieri attends Stockholm Explorative Talks
On 13 November, Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law & Technology and Board member at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, met with inspiring academics from Sweden and the Netherlands at the Huis van Europa in The Hague or an 'unrehearsed, spontaneous, eye-opening conversation' on current challenges facing Europe.
The spontaneous discussion was part of a special edition of the Stockholm Explorative Talks, which promote inspiring discussions and build strong connections between science, policymaking and society as a whole.
Without support from a moderator or a PowerPoint presentation, Dr Malgieri engaged in very fruitful conversations on issues including current geopolitical shifts, rapid digital transformation, the effects of climate change and dissolving lines between security and economics.

The theme of this edition of the Stockholm Explorative Talks aligns with the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen’s remarks in her Political Guidelines for 2024-2029 that Europe finds itself at an critical moment, i.e. 'an era of anxiety and uncertainty' where 'Europeans have real doubts and concerns about the instabilities and insecurities we face – from the cost of living, housing and doing business to the way issues such as migration are handled'.
Many panelists attended the event, including Klasja van de Ridder (Head of the Representation at the European Commission in The Netherlands), Johannes Oljelund (Ambassador of Sweden to The Netherlands) and René Cuperus, Senior Research at the Clingendael Institute).