Did your family also study in Leiden?
image: RDNE Stock project
Did your grandfather or grandmother also study in Leiden? And your parents, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters...?
we are looking for different generations within one family who studied or are still studying in Leiden for the special alumni website created for the anniversary of Leiden University. We are looking for different generations of Leiden students within one family for the anniversary alumni website. We would like to hear all about about the differences and similarities in your student days, ask you to dig up some study photos from the old box, and send us a current photo of you all. Even if older generations may no longer be alive, it's still nice to reflect on their story and explain the Leiden connection as a younger generation.
Is this about your family? Or do you know such a family? Let us know by sending your brief story to info@alumni.leidenuniv.nl attn: Generations. We will come back to you next month with more detailled information.