Universiteit Leiden

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PR Coordinator LIFF Jetske Breedeveld: 'Going to the cinema between lectures'

Alumna Jetske Breedeveld pursued both a Bachelor's in English Language and Culture and a Master's in Literary Studies at Leiden University. Her passion for film was a constant theme throughout her student life. Now working at the Leiden International Film Festival, she describes her job as 'really cool.'

Her choice of study wasn't initially driven by passion, according to Jetske. 'I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to study, but I knew I really wanted to study,' she says. She found inspiration for her studies from her idols. 'In high school, I wanted to become a scriptwriter. I noticed that many famous writers had studied English. As an eighteen-year-old, I thought: if I do that, I’ll make it too,' Jetske explains. Choosing Leiden was, however, a no-brainer. 'I'm from Leiderdorp, and I've always liked Leiden. There’s plenty to do, but you still feel like you can have an overview of the whole city. Studying in Leiden made it easy for me to, for example, go to the cinema between lectures.'

From youth jury to PR coordinator

During those regular cinema trips, Jetske became familiar with the organization she now works for: the Leiden International Film Festival (LIFF). The annual event is well-known among film lovers in Leiden and beyond. After attending the festival a few times as a visitor, she thought it would be fun to get involved in another way. On the website, Jetske saw a call for members of the LIFF youth jury. 'You spend a weekend watching films with other young people. At the end, you award a prize to the best film. It was a great way to get to know the festival better.'

The following year, she returned, this time as a copywriter for the PR team. 'Then the position of PR coordinator opened up. During my studies, I didn’t really consider marketing or PR. I wanted to focus more on the artistic content. Still, I applied and ended up moving into that role,' Jetske says. 'It’s also part of my personality to just give things a try. I thought it would be really cool to be more involved in such an organization. As a core team member, I work on LIFF year-round, and I also help with the film selection.

Festival rythm

In her current job, Jetske finds she can apply many of the skills she learned during her studies, sometimes in unexpected ways. 'In a strange way, for example, my master’s thesis really prepared me for my coordinating role at LIFF. At the time, I was already working quite a bit alongside my studies. Everything overlapped, so I had to plan well and stay organized. That fits perfectly with the festival rhythm we’re in now,' she explains.

A great stepping stone 

For students interested in a career in the cultural sector, Jetske has just one piece of advice: 'do what I did.' 'Volunteer positions can be a great stepping stone for anyone wanting to work in the cultural sector. ‘You can make incredibly valuable connections, and it’s a great experience for yourself, as it helps you discover what you’re capable of and what you aspire to. Working at a festival, for example, requires a different rhythm than working at a cinema or theater. Your student years are the perfect time to find out what works best for you.'

Interview: Laura van der Hauw

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