Evolve: Ready to recruit!
The European Union has awarded a COFUND grant to a consortium of researchers from the universities of Groningen and Leiden for a collective PhD programme called ‘Evolve’. The 7.1 M€ programme, which is co-financed by the participating universities, will recruit and train 17 PhD students to conduct world-leading research on the origin and nature of life and its distribution in the universe.
Prof. dr. Floris van der Tak (SRON/Kapteyn) and prof. dr. Wouter H. Roos (ZIAM) are the scientific coordinators of the programme. Interested researchers are encouraged to apply before 20 October 2024.

Interdisciplinary research on the origin and evolution of life
The origin and nature of life, and its distribution in the universe, are fundamental questions for humanity. Key questions revolve for instance around the formation of biomolecules, the emergence of life on planetary surfaces, the evolution of cellular functions, extra-terrestrial life and how life will cope with human-induced challenges. Within the Evolve Doctoral Programme, the four-year PhD students will conduct interdisciplinary research with the aim to break new grounds in four scientific areas: (i) Planetary preconditions and boundary conditions of Life, and its origins here on Earth, (ii) Defining properties and synthesis of Life, from the molecular to the biosphere level, (iii) Modelling, predicting and steering of Life, (iv) Distribution of Life across the universe.
More than research
Next to their interdisciplinary research project, the 17 PhD students will follow a joint research and training programme, consisting of scientific lectures, academic and professional skills training, career guidance, and teaching and supervision of undergraduate students. In addition, they will have the opportunity to go on secondments with leading industrial, academic and non-profit partner organisations of the Evolve Doctoral Programme. The aim is to equip and prepare the PhD students for their further career, both within and outside academia.
Opportunity to work with prominent scientists
Within Evolve, candidates may apply for one of the 20 research projects or freely propose their research topic. This gives them the opportunity to work directly with top-level academics who have won prestigious prizes and grants, such as the Nobel Prize, ERC Advanced Grants and NWO Consortium grants.
Embedding in the National Science Agenda
The Evolve Doctoral Programme is funded by the European Union and the participating universities and research institutes. In addition, the programme collaborates closely with the Dutch national Origins Center, which is funded through the Dutch National Science Agenda.
Call for Applications is now open
Interested researchers are encouraged to apply before 20 October 2024 via the Evolve website.
To comply with EU mobility rules, you will not have resided in the Netherlands for more than 12 months during the 3 years prior to 20 October 2024.
Participating research institutes and coordination
The Evolve Doctoral Programme is a joint initiative by six world-leading research institutes: Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences & Biotechnology Institute (GBB), Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES), Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry and Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials (ZIAM).
More information
For more detailed information about the research, the involved research institutes, prospective supervisors and proposed projects, please visit the Evolve website.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme.