Letizia Lo Giacco winner of the 2024 Rosalyn Higgins Prize for best article
Dr Letizia Lo Giacco is the recipient of the 2024 Rosalyn Higgins Prize for her article titled 'When a Dispute Exists: The Emerging Evidentiary Practice of the ICJ in Common Interests Proceedings'.

The article, forthcoming open access on The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (Brill), 'considers the practice of determining the existence of a dispute in proceedings before the International Court of Justice and explores the extent to which such assessment varies – or should vary – in relation to the legal interest protected. (...) It aims to shed light on how the Court’s evidentiary approach has adjusted to common interests proceedings to stand the test of time while cautiously preserving the performance of the Court’s judicial function.' The article brings together the author's longstanding work on judicial discretion with more recent inquiries into the public dimension of public international law.
The Rosalyn Higgins Prize is an annual prize which awards EUR 1,000 of Brill book vouchers and a one-year LAPE subscription to the author of the best article on the law and practice of the International Court of Justice, either focusing solely on the ICJ or with the ICJ as one of the dispute settlement mechanisms under consideration. Competition for the Prize is open to all: scholars as well as practitioners, junior as well as senior professionals. Submissions are selected via a double-blind peer review process by a Prize Committee, including both co-Editors-in-Chief. (Past) Committee members: Prof. Pierre Bodeau-Livinec (former co-Editor-in-Chief), Prof. James Crawford, Prof. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Prof. Dire Tladi, Prof. Attila Tanzi, Judge Joan Donoghue (ICJ), Prof. Serena Forlati, Prof. Makane Moïse Mbengue, Judge Julia Sebutinde, Judge Bruno Simma, Prof. Nienke Grossman, Dr Santiago Villalpando.
The choice of the 2024 prize-winning article was made 'from an impressive shortlist of articles', by an expert jury, including Prof. Campbell McLachlan (University of Cambridge), Prof. Yves Daudet (Sorbonne Law School), and Prof. Chie Kojima (Chuo University).
Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash