The future of the Dutch incapacity benefit system
Barend Barentsen, Professor of Labour Law, recently spoke at a meeting of experts in Amsterdam on the future of the Dutch incapacity benefit system.

A number of experts, representatives from interest organisations and employees from the Employee Insurance Agency (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen, UWV) and the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment held a conference regarding the advice issued by the OCTAS committee. Back in February 2024, this independent committee presented three variants that could simplify the incapacity benefit system in the Netherlands.
Barentsen’s main message was that there needs to be more space for professionals to assess and supervise people who are unfit for work. He feels that this requires fewer protocols and a more tailored approach – even if it involves more work and increased pressure on legal equality. Control is good, but trust is better.