Leiden student Lucas Pistorius wins Moot Court competition on day of Thorbecke Lecture
The 2024 Thorbecke Lecture was held on Friday 19 April, with the theme of ‘The role of the Court of Justice in protecting the consumer’. Before the lecture, students from Leiden Law School and Ghent University’s Faculty of Law competed in a Moot Court competition based on the same topic.
Ghent University and Leiden Law School have enjoyed a close collaboration dating back to 1975. Each year, a professor from one of the two law faculties gives a special guest lecture at the other faculty. This event is called the ‘Thorbecke Lecture’ in memory of Professor J. R. Thorbecke, who was a professor in both Ghent (1825-1830) and Leiden (1831-1849).
Professor Reinhard Steennot gave this year’s guest lecture, during which he discussed the impact of the Court of Justice’s jurisdiction in consumer protection matters on national procedural law and private law. Professor Vanessa Mak, an expert in civil law, then reflected on the lecture using practical examples.
On the same day, a Moot Court competition was held between a student from Leiden Law School and a student from Ghent University’s Faculty of Law. The competition turned out to be an exciting battle between two counsels that focused on the theme of consumer law. Leiden University ended up winning for the second time in 14 years, as Lucas Pistorius brought home the victory!